Tuesday, August 11, 2009

ABBA + The end of summer

Greetings SCARS readers!

I know summer technically goes till the end of August but kids are back in school, summer tours are ending, and my fall endeavors have started to take over.

The summer of 09' was epic. Television went digital. Famous people died. The 6th Harry Potter film came out. I graduated from cosmetology school, worked on two movies, traveled this country, and took many pretty photos.

How do you end the most important summer ever? ABBA. Gold.

Yes, you herd me. This blog, after all, is titled Confessions of a Gore Whore. Seeing ABBA was an unexpected surprise, like finding a bag of melted chocolate in your car.

The whole thing came about during a hot August afternoon. My younger cousin and I where at the Decatur Celebration watching one of her favorite bands play. After the show she informs that ABBA GOLD will be performing that night, to which I respond "SHUT THE FUCK UP!". Sure enough at 9:45 the ABBA was set to play. How could I resist?

I'm proud to report that it was every bit the freak show I had hoped for. Drunk forty somethings having some sort of a religious experience. A woman with her hands in the air, dancing in circles, sobbing. People holding hands and belting out the words to FERNANDO. - I had really underestimated the raw power of ABBA and their fan base.

The show was performed in all the 70's glory too! White and gold spandex outfits, glitter head bands, and even go go boots. The energy was truly amazing. I wasn't expecting this kind of heart .... it got me thinking about the end of summer.

Late July, early August is naturally a sad time. As kids it was the end of our summer, as adults it's the end of our childhood. For one reason or another, many people I held close to my heart pass away during this time too. Every August I always long for things that simply don't exist anymore. But then there these little moments that wash over us ... remind us of who we use to be. For that split second you're right back where you're from and it's a beautiful thing.

That's what those people at the show were feeling. In that forty-five minutes, they were sixteen again. Fucking Dancing Queens ... all of them.

And you know what? They probably all needed that.


I know my adventures are for from being over. 2009 keeps getting better and better, even with the bullshit that pops up.

Sometimes it's just nice to have silly summer evening and forget about life for minute.


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